Mikhail Alekseevsky

Mikhail Alekseevsky, folklorist

Born 15 February, 1979 in Moscow, Russia.

Current position


Centre for Urban Anthropology, Moscow, Russia

Research interests

Urban anthropoloy, Applied anthropology, Contemporary urban folklore, Internet folklore, Slavic and European folklore and rituals, Slavic funeral laments, Russian folk veterinary, children's folklore, field folkloristics


1996-2001: Undergraduated student in Department of History and Philology, Russian State University for the Humanities http://www.rggu.com, Moscow, Russia

Specialization: Russian language and Literature

2001: Diploma (M.A. equivalent) "Spatial structure of the East Slavic rural festival" (in Russian)

The Supervisor: Prof. Andrey Moroz

2001-2005: Postgraduated student in The Marques Block Russian-French Centre for Historical Anthropology, Russian State University for the Humanities http://cmb.rsuh.ru/;

2005: Ph.D. Thesis in folklore and language studies:

"Food and meal in rituals and ritual folklore of the Russian North" (in Russian),
at Russian State University for the Humanities

The Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Andrey Toporkov

Professional Experience

2005 - 2010: Lead Researcher, The State Republican Centre of Russian folklore, Moscow, Russia

2010 - 2014: Head of Department of Contemporary Folklore, The State Republican Centre of Russian folklore, Moscow, Russia

2014 - present: Director, Centre for Urban Anthropology, KB "Strelka", Moscow, Russia


Member of Societé Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF) from 2011 

Member of  The International Society for Contemporary Legend Research from 2012 

Selected Works in English

Who Are All Those People (the Ones with Placards)?
published in 'Forum for Anthropology and Culture. 2012. № 7. P. 1-19'.

The Tomb of the Unknown Priest: Narratives and Ritual Practices of the Supreme Soviet's Supporters after the Russian Constitutional Crisis of 1993
(Abstract of the paper on The 10th international SIEF congress «People Make Places - ways of feeling the world»,
CRIA-Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Lisbon on August 17-21, 2011)

Treating the "Other Animals": Russian Ethnoveterinary Practices in the Context of Folk Medicine

published in 'Other Animals: Beyond the Human in Russian Culture and History (Pitt Russian East European, 2010). P. 42-58'

Jewish areas on the mental map of a Ukrainian town: the example of Mohylev-Podilsky
(Abstract of the paper on The 15th World Congress of Jewish Studies,

Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus Campus, Jerusalem on August 2-6, 2009)

Funeral laments in the contemporary Russian North: the mechanism of tradition's decline

(Abstract of the paper on the international conference «Les lamentations dans le contexte euroméditerranéen»,

Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, Paris on September 19-21, 2007)

The Anthropology of Internet / Studies on Internet Folklore
(Bibliography by Mikhail Alekseevsky)

Selected Publications (in Russian)

Organizatsija ritualnogo zastolja v dome v dni hristianskih prazdnikov v Kargopol’e [Structure of the ritual home feast during patronal festivals in the Kargopol district] // Hristianstvo i Sever. M., 2002. S. 208-213.


Pohoronno-pominal’naja obrjadnost’ [Funeral rites] // Aktualnije problemy polevoj folkloristiki. Vypusk 2. M., 2003. S. 112-118.

Traditsionnaja meditsina v provintsial’nom gorode [Folk medicine in a country town] // Local’nije traditsii v narodnoj kulture Russkogo Severa. Petrozavodsk, 2003. S. 142-145.

Ritualnoje pjanstvo na Russkom Severe [Ritual drunkenness in the Russian North] // Severnyj text v russkoj kulture. Arhangel’sk, 2003. S. 201-203.

Problema klassifikatsii pokhoronno-pominal'nykh prichitanij [On the Problem of Classification of Funeral Laments] // Problemy klassifikatsii, tipologii, sistematizatsii v etnograficheskoj nauke: Materialy V Sankt-Peterburgskikh etnograficheskikh chtenij. SPb., 2006. S. 129-132.

Telefonnye rozygryshi kak zhanr detskogo folklora [Phone pranks as a genre of children’s folklore] // XIII Vinogradivskie chtenija. Detskij folklor i kultura detstva. SPb., 2006. S. 136-156.

Pischevoj kod pohoronnyh prichitanij [On the culinary code of funeral laments] // Slavjanskaja traditsionnaja kultura i sovremennyj mir. Vypusk 10. M., 2007. S. 234-255.

Pis'mo krest'jan V.I. Leninu [Peasants' Letter to V.I. Lenin] // Zhivaja starina. 2007. № 4. S. 9.

Motiv ozhivlenija pokojnika v severnorusskih pominal'nyh prichitanijah: tekst i obrjadovyj kontekst [The Dead Man Revival Motif in Funeral Laments of the Russian North: Text and Ritual Context] // Antropologicheskij forum. 2007. № 6. S. 227-262.

Bolezni zhivotnyh i metody ih lechenija v narodnoj kul'ture [Animals' diseases and ethnoveterinary practices in Russian folk culture] // Zhivaja starina. 2007. № 3. S. 37-40.

Materialy k «Slovarju lokal'nogo teksta Mogileva-Podol'skogo» [Materials for «Dictionary of the local text of Mogilev-Podolsky»] // Antropologicheskij forum. 2008. № 8. S. 419-442.  (with Mikhail Lurie, Anna Sen'kina, Anastasija Zherdeva)

Pohoronno-pominal'nye prichitanija Russkogo Severa v sovremennyh zapisjah [Funeral laments of the Russian North in modern field records] // Aktual'nye problemy polevoj fol'kloristiki: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Vyp. 4. Syktyvkar, 2008. S. 113-139.

Pominal'nye trapezy na Russkom Severe: piwevoj kod i zastol'nyj etiket [Funeral feasts in the Russian Nortn: cilinary code and meal etiquette] // Tradicionnoe russkoe zastol'e. M., 2008. S. 118-127.

"Samodel'nyj ethnograf": zhizn' i nauchnaja dejatel'nost' Petra Savvicha Efimenko ["Self-made ethnographer": The Life and Works of Petr Savvich Efimenko] // Efimenko P.S. Obychai i verovanija krest'jan Arhangel'skoj gubernii. M., 2009. S. 7-30.

"Voz'mi trubku i zazhgi mir..." (molodezhnoe soobshhestvo prankerov v Rossii) ["Make a Call and Burn the World!": Phone Prank's Fan Community in Russia] // Molodezhnye subkul'tury Moskvy. M., 2009. S. 401-439.

Legenda o pamjatnike Gogolju v Mogileve-Podol'skom: opyt kommentarija k fragmentu lokal'nogo teksta [The Legend about the Gogol's Monument in Mohylev-Podolsky: A Essay on a Segment of the Local Text] // Antropologicheskij forum.
2009. № 11. P. 275-312; 2010. № 12. P. 375-420.(with Mikhail Lurie and Anna Sen'kina)

Internet v Folklorye ili Folklor v Internete: sovremennaya folkloristika i vertual'naya real'nost' [Internet in Folklore or Folklore in Internet: modern folkloristics and virtual reality] // Ot Congressa k Congressu [From Congress to Congress]. M., 2010. S. 151-166.

Anekdoty ot Zyuganova: folklor v sovremennoy politicheskoy bor'be [Anecdotes from Zyuganov: Folklore in the Modern Political Battle] // Antropologicheskij forum. 2010. № 12 Online. S. 1-36.

Folkloristika mezhdu tekstom i kontekstom [Folkloristics between text and context] // Vestnik RGGU. 2011. № 9. S. 42-57.

Muzika nashego goroda. Versiya 2.0 [Music of our town. Version 2.0] // Antropologicheskij forum. 2011. № 15 Online
. S. 288-329.

"Mnogouvazhaemyj Tvorets...", ili Ljubovnye zagovory v butylke ["Dear Creator...", or Love charms in a bottle] // Zhivaja starina. 2011. № 3. S. 43-44. (with Dmitry Gromov)

Avtomobil' s raketnym dvigatelem: mekhanizmy rasprostraneniya gorodskih legend v Internete [JATO car: transmission mechanisms of urban legends on Internet] // Traditsionnaya kultura. 2012. № 3. P. 173-182.

Ocherki iz sovremennoy istorii russkogo politicheskogo anekdota [Essays on Modern History of Russian Political Jokelore] // Russkiy politicheskiy folklore [Russian political folklore]. SPb., 2013 (in print)

Smert' kak personazh pohoronnyh prichitanij Russkogo Severa [Death as a character of funeral laments
in the Russian Nortn] // Mortal'nyj kod v znakovyh sistemah kul'tury. Tver', 2013. (in print)


E-mail:  alekseevsky (@) yandex.ru

Office address:  Kropotkinskiy per., 10. Moscow, Russia, 119034.
Office phone: (+7-499) 245-18-00.
Fax: (+7-499) 246-93-23

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